The three parishes of Bamburgh,
Beadnell and N Sunderland have decided to prepare a neighbourhood plan.
This area has faced significant
development pressure in the past and will continue to do so in the future. It’s
an area where people want to come to visit and to live. Development isn’t a bad thing: people need
houses – especially houses they can afford to live in. Businesses need people.
We all need visitors. But the mix, the style, the location, the constraints are
things that should be set locally. Hence a neighbourhood plan.
What is a neighbourhood plan?
The introduction of neighbourhood planning is part of wider changes to
the planning system in the Localism Act 2011. The Act aims to shift decision
making from central government to communities and councils. Neighbourhood
planning allows parish councils to prepare a plan for their area, in close
consultation with residents, businesses and other local organisations.
They will be able to:
- Define where they want new homes,
shops and offices to be built
- Have
their say on
what those new buildings should look like
- Establish
planning policies for the development and use of land
These statements and policies will be drawn together into a
neighbourhood plan which will, after being checked and confirmed in a local referendum,
become a legal document that is part of the planning framework.
The development of the plan will be supported by Northumberland County
Council as the local planning authority.
will happen?
The Neighbourhood Plan will be
developed by the members of the three parishes – people who live here, work
here, go to school here, shop here or have social connections. They know the community
best and can help in identifying sites which would be suitable for housing,
business or other forms of community-related development which will shape the
long term future.
The Plan is important for
everyone because, if a vote at a referendum is successful, it will be a legal
document and decisions on planning applications will be required to be made in
accordance with your Neighbourhood Plan.
will we organise it?
pre-meeting primarily of parish councillors took place in mid October to
confirm the approach and to agree the formation of a small Steering Group. This will initially be
drawn from the Parish Councils and the County Councillor and will lead the
efforts and ensure that the correct procedural matters are followed by the
community. The first task, apart from legal formalities, will be to organise a
launch event early in 2014.
will be opportunities now, and over the coming months for you to engage and
contribute to the Plan so please get involved as this is an important
opportunity for everyone to help shape your community.
If you
have any comments or questions about the Neighbourhood Plan please send them to, or contact
anyone on the parish councils or John Woodman, our County Councillor.
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