Formal documents

1. Request to Northumberland County Council for the area to be designated as a neighbourhood area, submitted on 20 November 2013:

The area comprises the civic parishes of Bamburgh, Beadnell and N Sunderland. The three parishes, which are adjacent, share common opportunities and problems arising from their location at the heart the N Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and of the N Northumberland coast tourism business. Residents and visitors alike regard the three parishes as a shared and common area.

The parishes are places where there is continual pressure for second homes and for holiday accommodation; they have some of the highest percentages of second homes in the country and the average price of property is almost twice that of the rest of N Northumberland.

The three parish Councils therefore believe that an integrated neighbourhood development plan covering the combined area would allow an integrated approach to setting local planning policies on matters such as:

- housing delivery, including affordable housing;

- employment and business development needs in the context of environmental and infrastructure constraints;

- protection of the environment, including protection to the built and cultural heritage.
2. Agreement between the three Parish Councils and terms of reference of steering committee, signed on 19 November 2013:
North Northumberland Coastal Area Neighbourhood Plan Steering group
1.         Purpose of the Steering Group
1.1          The three Parish Councils of Bamburgh, Beadnell and North Sunderland have agreed to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan covering the three civil parish areas. The Parish Councils have agreed to establish separate project management arrangements to facilitate the delivery of this plan-making function.  The Parish Councils have granted delegated authority in exercise of all relevant plan-making functions to the North Northumberland Coastal Area Neighbourhood Planning Steering Group (“the Steering Group”).  The Steering Group sits as the Project Board for project management and decision making purposes and will lead the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan.  The Group will guide and agree the content of the Plan and all associated evidence and analysis up to Pre-submission Draft Plan stage.
1.2          North Sunderland Parish Council will be the qualifying body for the Neighbourhood Development Plan.  Bamburgh and Beadnell Parish Councils have formally agreed to this.
1.3       The three Parish Councils will:
  • actively support and promote the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan throughout the duration of the project.
  • work constructively together to promote the preparation and subsequent approval of the Plan.
1.4       The Steering Group will:
·         provide a locally accountable and representative lead for plan-making;
·         agree a project timetable and endeavour to secure compliance;
·         agree a project communication, consultation and engagement strategy;
·         agree the initial scope of the Plan prior to early public engagement;
·         confirm, subject to consultation with the Parish Councils, the scope of the Plan following analysis of early and subsequent community engagement;
·         prepare where necessary any funding applications for grants to support the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan;
·         approve all background and evidence based reports prior to publication;
·         agree all consultation documents prior to publication;
·         agree, subject to ratification by the Parish Councils, a final submission version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan; and
·         actively support and promote the preparation of the Neighbourhood Development Plan throughout the duration of the project.
1.5     The Steering Group will be established for a time-limited period.  The project is intended to run until a Plan has been presented for independent examination.  The Steering Group will remain active at least until the independent examiners report is published.
2.         Steering Group Objective
2.1       The objective of the Steering Group is to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the three civil parish areas that meets the basic conditions established through the Localism Act 2011.  The Plan should define the spatial planning policy priorities identified by the community taking into account all representations made during the plan-making process and having regard to all relevant existing plans and evidence.  The Plan may include or be supported by an appropriate delivery plan setting out, where relevant, the means by which these policy priorities may be implemented.      
3.         Steering Group Membership
3.1       The initial Steering Group will comprise the following members:
  • Northumberland County Council Ward Member;
  • Three members of each Parish Council.
3.2   The Steering Group may co-opt additional members as necessary to cover particular areas of expertise.
3.3       Membership will be reviewed and confirmed quarterly by the Parish Councils.
4.         Reporting and Communication
4.1       The Steering Group is established having full delegated authority from the Parish Councils to deliver its plan-making functions up to and including publication of a Pre-submission  Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan.  The Group will provide reports to each Parish Council meeting setting out progress on its work.  The Parish Councils must approve the Pre-submission Draft Neighbourhood Development Plan by majority vote prior to publication for consultation.
4.2       The plan-making process remains in the control of North Sunderland Parish Council as the qualifying body but it will make every endeavour to ensure the process is supported by Bamburgh and Beadnell Parish Councils.  All publications, consultation and community engagement exercises will be undertaken by or on behalf of the three Parish Councils with appropriate recognition of the Parish Councils’ position given in all communications associated with the project.
4.3       The Steering group will consult with and provide updates to neighbouring Parishes, particularly Belford and Newton.
5.         Meetings
5.1       Steering Group meetings will take place monthly. Parish Councils will arrange appropriate venues for the meetings if necessary.
5.2       The Steering Group will elect a Chair and Vice-Chair from its membership and both persons shall remain in that position following their election until completion of the project.  Clause 3.2 of the Terms of Reference does not apply to these positions
5.3       Decisions made by the Steering Group should normally be by consensus at Steering Group meetings. Where a vote is required each member shall have one vote.  A minimum of four members shall be present where matters are presented for decisions to be taken.  A simple majority will be required to support any motion.  The Chair, or in their absence the Vice-Chair shall have one additional casting vote.
5.4        The Steering Group may authorise expenditure directly associated with the preparation of the plan up to a maximum of £1,000 per annum without reference to the Parish Councils, and any such expenditure should be included in the report to the next Parish Council meetings. The Parish Councils will contribute to this expenditure (equally/in the ratio 25:25:50 for Bamburgh: Beadnell: North Sunderland respectively).
6.         Support
6.1       The Parish Councils will provide secretariat services if required by the Steering Group.
7.         Conduct
7.1       The Steering Group will follow the code of conduct set out by the Nolan Committee on Standards in Public Life.  Whilst Members as individuals will be accountable to their parent organisations, the Steering Group as a whole is accountable to the wider community for ensuring that the Plan reflects their collective expectations.  The Steering Group will achieve this through applying the following principles:
  • Work with mutual trust and respect, and combine their expertise;
  • Be clear when their individual roles or interests are in conflict;
  • Provide feedback from Steering Group meetings to their parent organisation;
  • Assist their parent organisation to bring appropriate ideas and concerns to the attention of the Steering Group;
  • Inform the Steering Group when they are unable to deliver agreed actions;
  • Treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, ability, or religion and belief; and
  • Actively promote equality of access and opportunity
Signed by Chairs of each Parish Council

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